Monday, June 20, 2011

The What and Why of retirement

After the summer hiatus, the gallery will reopen , as a gallery, in September for an exhibition by Jeff Rathermel, the executive director of Minnesota Center for Book Arts. At the end of his show, toward the end of October, the space will slide back into studio space for a bit.

A lingering question remains, however. Why retire?

When I opened Susan Hensel Gallery, I gave up a robust exhibition career( over 100 regional and national exhibitions, many collections, a museum or two...) in order to create a space for experimentation where unconventional artists could give voice to their ideas.I have worked hard and loved every moment of it. And I will miss the dailiness of it and the times I get to meet new people. So I am NOT closing entirely.

What will retirement look like in Susan Hensel Gallery?It is more a change of material state than a retirement.
In the fall of 2011, I will reduce the exhibition programming of the gallery to one or 2 shows per year. The windows and the yard will be available for installations. I will make a tremendous mess in the main gallery space, as it will become my studio and I am a tremendously messy artist.

In 2012, I will curate and exhibit Reader's Art 12.
Regardless, I will remain open on Mondays, for wool sales and the curiosity seekers.

Past that? We'll have to wait and see.

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