Monday, May 31, 2010

It's Monday and I'm still working

It's Monday. It's 8 pm and I am still working. What else is new?

Well, it is the last day of the regular gallery schedule for the next 6 months!
Leslie Sobel on the Stonearch Bridge overlooking the great Mississippi River.
Zach and I packed Leslie Sobel's show today...if you missed it you can see it in the gallery #40!!!! Times sure does fly when you are having fun. Leslie showed at the beginning of the second season and at the end of the 7th season. Rather nice, if uneven, brackets.

"SO", you ask, "Now what?"

Well...I sat in the yard for a bit today and mused with Zach about the difficulty we both have at not working (Hence, it is now 8:15 pm and I have been at it since before 10 am.) I am already thinking of ways to use the gallery, before we re-commence in January.

I am considering doing an artyarn show in the fall...I am considering truncating the yearly schedule to September through May or June...I am considering having a fiber oriented set of summer shows each year...I am considering....
Art yarn by Susan Hensel

I am considering sitting quietly by big water and letting my busy brain empty out and quiet down. But until that happens, I will putter away in here, playing with fiber, reading, writing and dreaming. Zach and I will maintain Monday hours through July, when he leaves for grad school! I will be studying in various places at various times throughout the 6 months...starting with the Artwear Symposium at the Textile Center in Minneapolis.

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