Monday, September 11, 2017

IN THE WINDOWS: Small Studies: Art Quilts

Now through Halloween

Small Studies: Art Quilts

Gwen Schagrin

These small art quilts continue the investigation of experimenting with color, shape and composition in fabric that I began in 2015.  

In earlier works, abstracting specific images (often architectural or landscape) drove the process. 

In the pieces now on view, I worked somewhat differently, often striving to create a visual representation of a feeling in reaction to an event, place, or concept. Some works are experiments in combining form, mass, color, and using  close hues, an effect which fascinates me. Trying to paint abstractly using pieced fabric continues to inform how I work.

The teaching and works of  Jean Wells, Rayna Gillman, Gwen Marston, and Pam Beal have inspired and guided me.